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4 Ways God develops humility in His people
I recently received an email pointing out an area of weakness in my understanding. I felt the familiar pang of humiliation (we all know it). It made me question whether it is right for me to pursue a particular course of action. Ultimately, humiliation is another way that the Lord humbles us. There are four
How to memorize the Bible one memory verse at a time
Let me first acknowledge that memorizing the Bible is hard work. It is mentally taxing and requires great discipline. But add to this the fact that we don’t all think the same way, and it follows that remembering memory verses works differently for all of us. So, when it comes to memorizing Scripture, we need
How should we understand Christian mystical experiences?
Christian mystical experiences are often very attractive, particularly to modern Christians. Many Christians today are starved of genuine spirituality, and disillusioned with the highly rational and often experientially empty culture around us. This drove me to ask the question, how should we understand Christian mystical experiences? To answer this, I took a look at three individuals
Why you probably need a new Bible
This post will sound a little like a license to be extravagant or possibly even irresponsible. That isn’t my intention. But I want to challenge the thinking that if you have a Bible, you don’t need another one. This is the sort of thinking that classifies the Bible as a book. If you have one
4 practical journaling prompts to destroy sin
Journaling changed my life, and it can change yours too. Journaling is a powerful way to grow in holiness because it allows us to think carefully through the thoughts, beliefs, motives, affections, desires, commitments and intentions of our heart. Using these 4 practical journaling prompts you can destroy the particular sin that plagues you and
Is “Biblical Spirituality” biblical?
Putting the words “Spirituality” and Biblical together seems almost improper. But it shouldn’t. Here are some reasons to allow these words to re-enter your vocabulary. Firstly, lets recognize that these words seem out of place. But are they? The word spiritual is not often used in the context of Christianity. When the word is used, it
What are the most important spiritual disciplines and why?
While reading through the different books about spiritual disciplines, you might walk away confused about which spiritual disciplines you should focus. One major book on Spiritual disciplines has 11; another has 17, and yet another 7. What’s more frustrating is that there is little overlap between these lists. When it comes to your quiet time, there are
Does interpersonal conflict undermine my quiet time?
We know that harboring sin in our heart can keep us from our quiet time. But what if someone else holds something against us? Does that affect my quiet time?
How to set smart goals for your quiet time
Have you ever set a goal and failed to achieve it? I confess, I’ve had times where I not only failed to achieve the goal I set, I didn’t even start on it! Failure to achieve goals is often simply because we don’t know how to set the right goals, or when we do, we