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7 reasons why you need to set quiet time goals
Someone once said that if you don’t have a goal, you’ll hit it every time. It’s all too easy to float through life without thinking much beyond today. One way to ensure that we achieve anything is to set goals. We often have career goals and financial goals, but as Christians, our walk with the
One another in James 4-5
Do you catch yourself talking about others? I do. We have to be so careful with what we say. I came across this recently while reading through the book of James. Here is what I learned James 4:11 says “Do not speak against one another,” and James 5:9 tells us “Do not complain against one another.”
How to assess your soul in your quiet time
I try to assess my heart when I read the word of God so that I can grow in holiness. I do this imperfectly, and I always find areas to grow. Here are some simple questions that will help you assess the 3 functions of your heart, to help you submit them to God’s authoritative
Bored? 3 reasons your quiet time may be empty
Do you find yourself simply reading your Bible without being challenged by it? I do. It’s easy to fall into these ruts, and we all fall into them from time to time. Often there is a variety of factors behind this and they are often connected, but here are 3 reasons I find when I examine my
Miss your quiet time? Here are 4 ways to re-engage
Do you feel guilty if you miss a Bible reading? Perhaps you woke up later than intended and had to rush out the door without spending time in the Word. It happens to all of us. Sometimes, we make ourselves artificial rules to keep us in line, such as the “no Bible no breakfast” rule.
The 3 key commitments you need to defeat spiritual cancer
I’m reminded of Jesus’ question to the paralytic in John 5:6, “Do you wish to get well?” It seems like an odd question to ask someone that has been sitting on the side of the road asking for money every day for many years. I’m sure the casual reader would think, “Of course he does!
Here is a little thank you just for you!
In 2016, I restarted regularly blogging. I decided to begin my work on a subject near and dear to my heart – holy living through transformative quiet times. We’re almost finished with this first series, but there is much more coming in 2017, and I look forward to sharing that with you when I resume
Can I have a short and effective quiet time?
Some days I wake up feeling overwhelmed. There is so much to do, and I have a list of things that I need to get done today, all of which will take time and focus. How will I fit in my quiet time? Good news! Because the focus of our quiet time is the heart,
Are Daily Devotional Books good for my quiet time?
Daily devotional books are found in almost every Christian home. It might be a monthly “Word for the Day” or an annual collection such as Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. For many Christians, these daily devotional books are their primary exposure to Christian writing. But are they a good tool for a daily quiet time? I