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You can’t just stop! Put your old ways to death!
Have you ever been told, “Stop it! Just stop it!” If it is something trivial, like biting your nails, you can simply pull your finger out of your mouth, but if it is an ingrained habit, it can be very difficult to stop. In fact, most people who try to stop their bad habits give
Change. Don’t just abstain from doing evil!
I don’t know about you, but I tend to stop working on sin too easily. Rather than working on it right through to doing what is right, I think I’m transformed just because I abstain from doing evil! Yet in terms of biblical change, I’ve only done half the work! Biblical change is about more than just abstaining
How to improve your quiet time
If you’re like me, you need more than just tips and tricks to improve your quiet time (though these have their place). There are a number of articles around full of to do lists for your quiet times, but just doing different things doesn’t necessarily provide a qualitative improvement in your quiet times (or devotions as they
Have you sacrificed spiritual growth for spirituality?
Recently a prominent Christian leader made a comment that he knew people in overt sin who had “as good a spiritual life as I do.”1 When a Christian can say someone in wanton sin has as good a spiritual life as we do, we should be alarmed. Statements like this suggest we’ve sacrificed spiritual growth
What is the best way to highlight my Bible?
What is the best way to highlight my Bible? If you haven’t written in your Bible, but you’re considering doing so, this might be a question you’re asking. Once pen is on the paper it can’t be removed, so having a good approach to start with can ensure consistency and ultimately will add to the
How to turn spiritual weakness into strength
Have you ever looked at your weaknesses (sin and corruption) and wondered how in the world people have any respect for you? It is often easy to look on the bad side, and unfortunately it is even easier to become discouraged and even depressed by looking at our sin, but this is an ungodly response,
What does God want from your spiritual life?
When I was a new Christian, I was never sure what the goal of the Christian life was. I remember going to an evangelism course and hearing that evangelism was the only reason we were here. I wasn’t convinced. Not all of us are gifted evangelists, though we all need to do it. Fortunately, as I later discovered,
The 3 areas of understanding you need to grow in
Spiritual transformation is about taking in truth as God reveals it in His word and letting it affect our beliefs, interpretations, desires, feelings, commitments and actions. How do we do this? It starts with reading the Word of God and letting it affect us. Here are three areas of knowledge that help us grow in
On leaving a church
This post by Frank Turk from a few years ago is really good, and well worth digesting if you are considering leaving your church. Here is an extract Listen: I have advice for you who are in these [something about this church is not right] situations which you are not going to like, and you