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- Get my free mini e-book – 8 Tips to transform your quiet time
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- Find out why a relationship with God is not the goal of your spiritual life
Alternatively, my latest articles are below.
How to overcome your most important spiritual weakness
No doubt you’ve heard the quote by D. L. Moody, “Sin will keep you from the Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin.” This suggests our most important weakness is the one that keeps us out of the word of God. What is that one spiritual weakness for you and how can you overcome it?
5 reasons pride comes before the fall and how to avoid it
We’ve all heard the saying, “pride comes before the fall.” We find this saying in Proverbs 16:18. But how does this happen? What is this “fall” and how can we avoid it? There are at least 5 reasons pride comes before the fall.
Bored? 3 reasons your quiet time may be empty
Do you find yourself simply reading your Bible without being challenged by it? I do. It’s easy to fall into these ruts, and we all fall into them from time to time. Often there is a variety of factors behind this and they are often connected, but here are 3 reasons I find when I examine my
What is a relationship with God anyway?
I thought God wants to have a relationship with me? So why is holiness God’s purpose for us? Often evangelists talk about having a relationship with God, but often they don’t explain that this relationship is dependent on growing in holiness. So what is a relationship with God and why is holiness so important?
What does it mean to be holy?
The word holy is frequently and rightly used to refer to God (Isa 6:3), but it the Bible also uses the word to refer to believers. In fact, believers are called saints, which is a translation of the Greek word for holy. Paul begins his letter to the Romans referring to those he was writing
The 4 functions in the parable of the vine
The parable of the vine and its branches is a rich passage that Jesus used to explain four functions that are part of our union with Christ. Some people think this parable conveys something of the substance of the relationship of the branches and the vine, but this causes an interpretive issue that is inconsistent with the