What is a good way to present the gospel?

As Christians, we have a responsibility to present the gospel clearly and fully. This is why I love the question Alistair asked: What is a good way to present the gospel?


Here’s the question I was asked:

When evangelizing non- Christians, what verses from the Bible should ideally be quoted to them in order to convey the full message of the gospel, and in what order should they be presented?



  • Created and owns everything: Gen 1:1, 26, Psalm 24:1
  • Is perfectly holy: 1 John 1:5, Matt 5:48
  • Requires perfect obedience: James 2:10


  • Has broken God’s law: Romans 3:10, 23
  • Will pay the eternal penalty for sin: Rom 6:23
  • Cannot save himself by good works: Isa 64:6, Titus 3:5, Mph 2:8-9


  • Came to earth as both God and sinless man: Col 2:9
  • Demonstrated God’s love by dying on the cross to pay sin’s penalty: Rom 5:9, 2 Cor 5:21
  • Rose from the grave and is alive today: 1 Cor 15:4


  • Must repent of all that dishonors God: Isa 55:7, Luke 9:23
  • Must believe in Christ as Lord and Savior: Rom 10:9
  • Will you repent and believe in Christ?: Acts 17:30

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